At Resource Officer LLC, we are dedicated to the protection of your school and have the expertise and training to ensure that our resource officers and security guards are the best Maricopa County, AZ has to offer.

Police response time to school emergencies can be over five minutes! Waiting for the police to respond to a 911 call can waste precious minutes your school doesn’t have. Hiring an on-site resource officer can reduce that response time to less than a minute.
Our Maricopa County, AZ-based training program is one of the best in the state and turns out highly skilled and knowledgeable resource officers every month. The resource officers at Resource Officer LLC are constantly trained with the latest resources even after their initial onboarding.

The resource officers at Resource Officer LLC don’t just put on a uniform and patrol a school, they enmesh and become a part of the school community. Our trained and empathetic resource officers enjoy building relationships with students and staff alike, so if an emergency ever does happen, they’ll have the trust and respect of the school to keep them safe. Resource officers don’t just have to be a shadowy presence, at Resource Officer LLC, they are an integral part of a school.
Having a uniformed officer on campus can serve as a deterrent to would-be criminals, as it sends the message that the school is being actively protected. The security guards and resource officers at Resource Officer LLC are available any time, for normal school hours or after-school events.

In today’s age, there are so many reasons to have a dedicated resource officer at your school. If your school is interested in hiring the expert security guard and resource officer services at Resource Officer LLC, call us today!